Its funny to note how most people perceive the term 'alternative medicine'. I am no medicine guy but alternative medicine to some extent has evoked interest off late in me. Alternative medicine comprises of any form of practice other than the commonly followed practice of medical science to cure diseases or ailments, this might include spiritual, religious or even your grandma's magic potion. So, in my quest for knowledge of this kind of medicine i recently came across Health Kinesiology.
Kinesiology is a science pertaining to the study of body movements in humans. Health Kinesiology on the other hand is not entirely based on science and it is not entirely related to Kinesiology.
It is interesting to note that many people would not be aware of such a practice. In India, i don't think there are many practitioners of this kind of alternate medicine.
It is process of healing the body from its ailments by taking a holistic approach. The practitioners 'listen' to the patients body by a process known as muscle testing to find out the body's ailments and the root causes for it. Treating the root causes over the due course of time either reduces or in rare cases completely rids the patients of their ailments.
Well, thats the theory of it anyway. Like most alternative medicines the science or the way it actually works is not clearly understood.
And just as in any form of medicine it has its believers and its skeptics.
It is not proven science, but, a good practitioner truly may be able to help the patient. Skeptics although believe it is just another way of making a quick buck. I am sure in a few years to come some of the celebrities will try it out and who know some might even swear by it for its magical cures and then HK practitioners worldwide will be smiling their way to the bank.
I would like to believe that most ailments not all, begin and end in the mind. You treat the mind the body heals by itself. A healthy lifestyle does help one to keep most illnesses at bay.
Cheers to good health!