Monday, May 18, 2009

Celina Jaitley ko gussa kyon aata hai?

Apparently our Dear Celina is miffed with the fast one that pulled out with modesty compromised photo of Celina.

No No we are not complaining but its Celina who is not taking it all too well. She came out with a statement saying that this is the price she had to pay for in the glamour world. My My what a sacrifice.

If not anything Ms Jaitley, all the geeks around the world have atleast taken a note of you. Your popularity can only soar from here.

Its time you get hold of an innerwear company and sign yourself a contract. You know that way that you will be looking at a fat paycheck. You could also autograph one and sent it across to yours truly :)

For the unintiated Ms Celina got irked with a post on
that used her image without her consent.
She is right with the fact that her photo was used without her consent, but i think a little too much is made out of this.


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