Thursday, April 21, 2011

Amazon Cloud Drive

Another website added to all the corporate houses filtering rules - Amazon cloud drive :)

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

How to Install Pydev for Eclipse on Linux

Many a times you are are faced with solving a problem and you turn to Python on a Linux box.
One of the easiest solution to developing on Python on a Linux machine is using the Eclipse IDE with the Pydev plugin.
There are many links on google which give you a step by step walk through of how to install Eclipse and Pydev.
Here is a link which explains in detail: The Easy Way

There are scnearios when you chose The Hard Way or when you can't go The Easy Way, and that is where this post is useful.

1. Manually Install Eclipse with the tar.gz file
Choose the one that is applicable to your machine

Transfer the tar.gz file to your install directory.

Untar the file with: tar xvfz

Ex: /home/user/install

2. Manually Install Pydev with zip file
Preferrably Download 1.6.5 or above

Download the zip file to the same install directory where you downloaded eclipse

Ex: /home/user/install

If you do an ls inside the install folder you should be able to see the Pydev zip file along
with folders like plugins, features, eclipse binary et al.

Now unzip the Pydev zip file and this will install files in plugins and features directory of eclipse.

3. Run Eclipse and make sure you can use Pydev features

Issue the command ./eclipse -clean from /home/user/install directory to make available Pydev features.

To ensure Pydev is correctly installed. Open eclipse, Click on Window > Open Perspective > Other . You should be able to see Pydev project, this means Pydev is correctly installed